Three month update

Sunday, 6 November 2016


Joseph was 3 months old on the 26th October. I honestly am taken back about how quick the time has gone. You don’t notice day-to-day how much they grow and yet when you look back at photos (which is like multiple times a day for me) you realise holy hell you have grown. When did that happen?! And the milestones they hit you’re just sitting there thinking ‘well you weren’t like that yesterday?!’ and now suddenly he’s cooing and smiling and trying to roll over. It’s incredible. I have honestly loved every minute of being a mother.

I mean, there are things I miss which is understandable. People who say they don’t miss life before a baby are liars. Everyone misses something about their life before. For me, it was the transition of always liking spending time to myself to re-energise or nap whenever I want. Although I am totally used to it now and having a mini-me around the house is awesome and not draining at all. Which surprised me as I always held this idea as pregnancy ruins your life. Oh how naive am I?! Silly woman! I get super emotional looking back at photos of him thinking noooo I want my little (well, not so little at 9lb 8.5oz, but you get the idea) boy back!! Stop growing!! But then I’m all like, grow up!! I want to take you places and walks!!

I also find myself cooing at other babies too. Like, this isn’t like me at all. I usually am never phased by babies but since having one I love them! Me and Mathew have even discussed baby number 2. Something I thought I’d never see. Woah! My brain is just baby, baby, baby, baby! I constantly think about Joseph, constantly looking at baby stuff online, constantly looking at photos of him. Who have I become!! I think my next blog post though is going to be what I seem to struggle with so far being a mum. I rarely see blog posts about it and I kind of want to put it out there so other mums may not feel alone? Because being a mum isn’t always rainbows and sunshine so it’ll be nice to just let it all out. Obviously then I’ll follow it up with what I believe I’ve aced at being a mum. Because that needs to be celebrated too!


ANYWAY. Moving on. My little pudding, Joseph. Three months! Phew! And my, my, what a pudding he is. Unfortunately he had his injections on the day he turned three months. Joseph was totally fine with them though, as per. He’s such a chilled out baby. He basically just went back to sleep after his injections after a short cry. What a superstar!πŸ™‚ He also got weighed.. and he weighs a whopping 17lbs! Following his father with that one as Mathew was a little pudding too. But I love it, all his little rolls. But he’s super long too so he’s going to be very tall!

Looking back, I’ve noticed so many changes. More awake time where Joseph is now starting to grab onto toys. He LOVES to sit up, he can’t do it by himself yet so needs mammy and daddy to help him and he loves it. Soon as you put him down, the crying starts. He also weight bears on his feet which is incredible! The little guy just wants to explore. He also loves shouting and smiling. He’s so adorable.


He started trying to roll at a young age but appears to have stopped trying so I’m trying to get as much tummy time as possible (which he’s not that fond off-he literally screeches like a little diva! Unless I’m there to comfort him). I find that Joseph is very sociable? Is that the right term, I don’t want to use the word needy because he’s a baby of course he’s going to be needy! But he doesn’t like to be left alone, lets put it that way. He just loves having attention and cuddles, which in turn I get nothing done!!! So I am looking forward to him growing up so he can sit unaided and play with toys so mama can actually get on with some house work! I feel bad for giving him to Mathew when he comes home from work because the house is a mess so it looks like I’ve done sweet F.A. But it isn’t the case, honest!!! I’ve just been trying to keep the little pudding happy all day, and that in turn can be quite draining. But luckily Mathew is a super dad and is literally amazing at everything he does. Honestly sometimes he acts like both the mum and dad. And I couldn’t be more proud of him. The first week or so when Joseph was born, Mathew pretty much did all the night feeds because of my c-section, took Joseph out in the car so I could have a nap and re-energise. He’s the best. I am so grateful.

Joseph sleeps so well. Has done since day one. He slept through the night pretty much the first week haha. But if he doesn’t sleep through the night then he used to get up once. But now he has a routine which I love because I actually feel like I’m doing something right. He has a bath around 6-7:30pm, a bottle and then rocked to sleep at around 8-10pm. Nappy change then around when me and Mathew head up to bed (which isn’t too long after, we’re exhausted by the end of the day!) He then sleeps right through till 7-8am. So, no complaints there at all. What a babe. He did have colic (we believe) for a couple of weeks or so which I must admit, was super draining and hard and thought it would never end. But patience and lots of love, and it passed. I feel like I can conquer anything.

Being a big boy, he’s always hungry. I won’t wean him earlier though just because he’s hungry. Just more milk for the little pudding!! He recently started teething but feel like we’ve got that under control.


I always envisioned this idea that when the baby is born I’d be like this super mum and get so much stuff done including losing weight. HAHA. Good one! I’ve lost weight naturally, obviously giving birth, then breastfeeding briefly and basically just not finding time to eat. I did join the gym which I try to go to often and I have been running outdoors. But man, oh man finding the time to eat whilst Josephs awake his hard work. So I end up either snacking on healthy/unhealthy things and waiting until Mathew finishes work so he can mind Joseph whilst I prepare something (this is usually like 7-9pm, not ideal at all). I really should learn to prep meals as that would be so much easier. Maybe when Joseph gets a bit older he can be more occupied with toys so maybe I’ll be able to sit down and enjoy breakfast! Or a warm cup of tea..

My appearance has just gone to shit. Again, I don’t have the time in the morning to get ready. So my 24/7 look is mostly curly hair (which I hate), in a bun with my pyjamas. I’ve asked for make-up for my birthday because all mine has gone old and the foundation just doesn’t match my skin. So I haven’t been feeling the best so just a little confidence boost and time in the day to get ready would be swell. I did have my eyebrows done the other week which did me the world of good!

Stretch marks are fading, still present but it doesn’t bother me too much. C-section scar is also prominent but that’s far down where only Mathew’s going to see so don’t mind at all.

Sorry for the long post again! I never have time to blog so when I do, I just ramble on! I’ll try and blog more regularly, but until then. Goodbye!πŸ™‚

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